Cassin’s vs Purple finch
Head- The head of Cassin’s finch has higher contrast compared to its nape than in house finch. Usually bright red only on the crown. Therefore, the crown appears to be more reddish compared to purple finch.
Throat – Throat of purple finch appears mostly whitish/purplish.
Bill – Bill appears longer and pointed in Cassin’s compared to short and curved in Purple. Feathers of the base of the bill in Cassin’s usually have whitish appearance compared to reddish in purple finch.
Really good field mark can be the paler eye ring in Cassin’s (both sexes) which is absent in purple finch.
Another good field mark is no streaking or markings on the under tail coverts in Purple finch, while Cassin’s finch has strong streaking on the under tail. Primary projection can be good field mark as well, compared to the tail of Purple finch, Cassin’s finch has a longer primary projection but this can be a tough mark to identify in the field.
On females, the face of Cassin’s has more contrast compared to purple finch. The back of Cassin’s finch has more streaks than the blurred appearance in Purple finch. The streaking applies the body as well, Cassin’s finch has more crisp streaking than blurrier streaking in Purple finch.
Female Cassin’s finch: Photo – Kai Freuh
Female purple finch: Photo- Terence Zahner
Male Cassin’s finch: Photo – Milton Vine
Male Purple finch: Photo – Henry Trombley
House finch vs Purple finch
House finches appear to be orangish/reddish while purple finches are usually rose red or pinkish. House finches generally appear slimmer and smaller than the stockier and larger purple finch. Bill on house finch is usually shorter and culmen is curved. House finches have 2 whist-ish wing bars where purple finches have rosy/reddish wing bars. Cassin’s finch have a single white wing bar apperance. The tail on house finches are usually longer compared to purple finch. One of the best field marks is the streaking on the flanks on house finch which is absent in purple finch. House finch also lacks the white eyebrow of purple finch (really good fieldmark).
Male house finch- Photo: Anuj Ghimire
Female house finch: Photo- Anuj Ghimire
House finch vs Cassin’s finch
House finch have a comparatively rounder head than cassins have bright red crowny appearance. Face appearance in house finch is simpler than the contrasting face appearance in Cassin’s finch.
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Great notes, and I loved the quiz! Ran it three times, and I got better each time!